Abhiram Jois

Aren’t we all just rows in a larger dataset?

Graph 1:

Concised FIFA dataset

The following is a datset of all the players in the game FIFA-19 and their player attributes. The initial dataset was very large, this is a concised version of the same.

## # A tibble: 18,207 x 17
##    Name                Age Nationality Overall Potential Club  Value Wage  Position
##    <chr>             <dbl> <chr>         <dbl>     <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>   
##  1 L. Messi             31 Argentina      94.7      94.8 FC B~ 110.~ 565K  RF      
##  2 Cristiano Ronaldo    33 Portugal       94.5      94.5 Juve~ 77M   405K  ST      
##  3 Neymar Jr            26 Brazil         92.2      93.7 Pari~ 118.~ 290K  LW      
##  4 De Gea               27 Spain          91.7      93.4 Manc~ 72M   260K  GK      
##  5 K. De Bruyne         27 Belgium        91.5      92.2 Manc~ 102M  355K  RCM     
##  6 E. Hazard            27 Belgium        91.2      91.9 Chel~ 93M   340K  LF      
##  7 L. Modric            32 Croatia        91.4      91.8 Real~ 67M   420K  RCM     
##  8 L. Suárez            31 Uruguay        91.6      91.7 FC B~ 80M   455K  RS      
##  9 Sergio Ramos         32 Spain          91.3      91.5 Real~ 51M   380K  RCB     
## 10 J. Oblak             25 Slovenia       90.7      93.2 Atlé~ 68M   94K   GK      
## # ... with 18,197 more rows, and 8 more variables: Preferred Foot <chr>,
## #   Body Type <chr>, Skill Moves <dbl>, BallControl <dbl>, SprintSpeed <dbl>,
## #   GKHandling <dbl>, International Reputation <dbl>, GKReflexes <dbl>

What is the value of most internaltionally reputed players and which nationality and club do they belong to?

Graph 2: Making a map with some nice places to eat in Rajajinagar

Interactive dark mode

Graph 3: The successors of the Michigan lake house

The following is a manually curated dataset of the characters in Bojack horseman, season 4, episode 10,11. I created a visual network for the same.

## # A tibble: 16 x 5
##       id name             sex    species   profession 
##    <int> <chr>            <chr>  <chr>     <chr>      
##  1     1 Andy             Male   Dragonfly Homemaker  
##  2     2 Beatrice         Female Horse     Homemaker  
##  3     3 Butterscotch     Male   Horse     Writer     
##  4     4 Camilia          Female Swan      Homemaker  
##  5     5 Crackerjack      Male   Horse     Soldier    
##  6     6 Diane            Female Human     Writer     
##  7     7 Henrietta        Female Human     Maid       
##  8     8 Mrs Sugarman     Female Horse     Homemaker  
##  9     9 Sugarman         Male   Horse     Businessman
## 10    10 Bojack           Male   Horse     Actor      
## 11    11 Corban           Male   Goat      Businessman
## 12    12 Sally            Male   Human     Soldier    
## 13    13 Todd             Male   Human     Businessman
## 14    14 Mr Peanutbutter  Male   Dog       Actor      
## 15    15 Princess Carolyn Female Cat       Manager    
## 16    16 Hollyhock        Female Horse     Student
## # A tibble: 25 x 2
##     from    to
##    <int> <int>
##  1     2    10
##  2     7     2
##  3     4     2
##  4     9     2
##  5     8     9
##  6     2    11
##  7     2     3
##  8     3    10
##  9     7     3
## 10     8     2
## # ... with 15 more rows

Visual network based on species

## # A tibble: 16 x 5
##       id label            sex    group     profession 
##    <int> <chr>            <chr>  <chr>     <chr>      
##  1     1 Andy             Male   Dragonfly Homemaker  
##  2     2 Beatrice         Female Horse     Homemaker  
##  3     3 Butterscotch     Male   Horse     Writer     
##  4     4 Camilia          Female Swan      Homemaker  
##  5     5 Crackerjack      Male   Horse     Soldier    
##  6     6 Diane            Female Human     Writer     
##  7     7 Henrietta        Female Human     Maid       
##  8     8 Mrs Sugarman     Female Horse     Homemaker  
##  9     9 Sugarman         Male   Horse     Businessman
## 10    10 Bojack           Male   Horse     Actor      
## 11    11 Corban           Male   Goat      Businessman
## 12    12 Sally            Male   Human     Soldier    
## 13    13 Todd             Male   Human     Businessman
## 14    14 Mr Peanutbutter  Male   Dog       Actor      
## 15    15 Princess Carolyn Female Cat       Manager    
## 16    16 Hollyhock        Female Horse     Student


Coding is something I have always enjoyed doing. Similarly this course was enjoyable as well. The course constantly kept me challenged and on my feet at all times. It was nice to spend a lot of waking and sometimes even sleeping hours trying to figure out why something is not working. It was nice to relive that feeling of finally figuring out a faulty code (it’s usually the bracket)). Over all this course was good wrap to the year and was a fun introduction to R. R studio is a very powerful tool which I am sure I will explore a lot more in the years to come. I want to thank Arvind for introducing me to R. He was really patient with all my doubts and kept our enthusiasm high all through. He’s the coolest boomer I know which is kinda sus..